DJMed Bunion Protector & Toe Spacer

A$ (reference only)24.33
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Best Seller in Bunion Protectors & Bunion Pads

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  • Soft gel toe separator for bunion protection.  (A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. It forms when the big toe pushes against the next toe, forcing the joint of the big toe to become bigger, stick out and the skin over the bunion might be red and sore).
  • Comfortable, secured toe separators with bunion cushion shield.
  • Includes: 2 pairs (4 pieces)
  • Help to prevent rubbing and soreness at the same time, align the major toe in a more natural position.
  • Closed cell gel provides sanitary environment for healing as it does not absorb or breed bacteria.
  • Double toe loop adds extra stability to the bunion pad, making it ideal for an active lifestyle.
  • Suitable for use for blisters, calluses, hallux valgus (bunions), toe overlap and for all day comfort.
  • Spacer between the toes aligns the toes in a straight, comfortable position and protecting them from friction.
  • Ensure you have dried between and around your toes before using toe spacers for a healthier bacteria-free environment for healing.
  • Listed with The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), (part of the Australian Government Department of Health) which is responsible for regulating therapeutic goods including prescription medicines, medical devices, blood and blood products etc.
  • Aesthetic designed and premium quality.
  • Currently, this product is only freight within Australia to minimize storage and display costs. If international freight is needed, please go to “Navigate”, “Contact Us” with shipping & email addresses and product SKU/Name.